Thursday, January 29, 2009

Suggestions For Economic Recovery

This is a suggestion for investing our nation’s money in the long-term development of America’s transportation system and in a clean energy base for the country with an immediate result of a large number of jobs. This would be a solid investment of funds in the nation’s infrastructure rather than precarious spending of hundreds of billions of dollars for iffy “bail-out” plans or the unlikely rescue of poorly functioning businesses.
First, modernize and consolidate the nation’s rail transportation to bring it up to the level of other industrialized countries. Rail transportation is cleaner and more efficient than the exclusive reliance on trucks. Tractor trailer trucking will need to continue for shorter distances such as from rail stations to surrounding destinations and air transport could be limited to situations in which speed is necessary.
The construction of several small hydroelectric plants (like there are in Texas) could consolidate the nation’s electrical grid while providing assistance for more arid areas (agriculture, fish, climate) and would provide a way of flood control for exposed areas. In addition, the use of solar and wind energy should be pursued. Drilling off shore for oil would also continue. Construction of nuclear power plants has proven safe and clean, and is quite successful in Europe particularly in France.
These positive steps would constitute a lasting legacy that would keep the United States in first place among industrialized nations. Environmental damage would be minimized and there would be less dependence on unfriendly foreign nations. It would not only be an intelligent way to invest in America’s infrastructure but would drastically reduce unemployment while helping the economy develop. This plan would be far less expensive for American tax-payers in the long run than a multi-billion dollar bail out plan.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

God's Eternity and Omnipresence

God’s Eternity and Omnipresence.
God’s eternity and omnipresence are concepts that at first sight seem irrational and unscientific, therefore hard to comprehend and even accept unless we see faith as a leap into unknown. After all, everything and everybody has a beginning and an end and also are located in only one point in space at a given time. And that’s true! It is true for everything and everybody. However, it is rational and scientific to expect that God is different.
The idea of beginning and end are time concepts. It means that in the flow of time everything and everybody has a point of coming into existence and a point of leaving the existence. But what is time? Time is a unit of measure for matter. In fact we can define time as an interval in which the matter makes a certain number of movements: The earth makes a rotation around its own axis (day), around the sun (year), or the moon makes a rotation around the earth (month), etc, Time is therefore a unit of measure for matter, whether it is “thing” or “body.”
A very important requirement in science is that we use the right unit of measure for the right dimension. Everybody realizes how ridiculous is to ask, “ How many cups are between Seattle to LA?” That’s because we measure distance in inches, feet, and miles and use the cup for measuring volume. So, even when we deal with matter we have to use the right unit of measure for the right dimension. Yet, God is not matter, He is spirit and when was God’s beginning or when will be His end are irrelevant questions, because we are asking time questions to measure movements of a spirit.
In the same way, a position in space is a measurement used to define where matter is in space at a given time. So, a thing and a body can be in only one point at a time. Yet, when we talk about God who is spirit it is not possible to pinpoint a singular position in which and only in which He must be at a given moment in time. He is omnipresent.
For the Son of God to be in our midst and to submit himself at the requirement of time and space, he had to become man, to have a true body, and that is what happened when He was born to live among us and die at a certain time for us, so that our souls (spirits) after separation from the material bodies share eternity with Him and His Heavenly Father.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sidebar for God Loves the Dandelion

The dandelion is a perenial plant originating from Eurasia but also widespread in N. America where it was introduced to provide nectar for the bees in early Spring. Its leaves contain even more vitamines and minerals than spinach and are used mainly in salads. The roots, roasted and ground, form a cofee sustitute. Used in teas, the roots have medicinal properties helping digestion, liver function, kidney stones elimination, and is a diuretic. The milky sap is used for healing warts, moles, and calluses.
